Journey from the depths of the Pacific Ocean into the far reaches of space on a quest to find something that changes everything...signs of life, somewhere else in the universe. With cutting-edge imagery from the world's most powerful telescopes, The Search for Life in Space takes audiences from the surface of Mars and the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn, to the extreme lava fields of Hawaii and thermal vents deep beneath the sea. In these harsh environments, astrobiologists look for clues to how life takes hold. As this immersive adventure into the universe reveals the possibility of planets like ours, The Search for Life in Space will make you re-examine such fundamental questions as: "Where did we come from?", "How did we get here?" and "Are we alone?" 《生姜》小说他这一路就是这么走过来的,越是在恶劣的地方修练,效果也越好,不但能够帮助他磨砺灵气,也能为他强身健骨。
故事发生在遥远的未来,彼时,世界的每个角落都遭受到了核能的污染,生态被破坏殆尽,资源急剧减少,人类的生存遭到了巨大的威胁。为了削减人口,政府规定每一个家庭只能生育一次。约翰(克里斯多弗·兰伯特 Christopher Lambert 饰)曾经是一名特种兵,一场意外令他和妻子凯伦(Loryn Locklin 饰)失去了他们的孩子,之后,凯伦再次怀孕,为了生下腹中的孩子,凯伦和约翰踏上了逃亡的旅途。 在边境,约翰被捉拿归案,关进了位于地底的监狱里,狱警在约翰的身体里植入了名为“ZED-10”的装置,用于监视他的一举一动,甚至是一个想法或一个梦境。一次偶然中,约翰得知了取出装置的方法,脱离了监视的他决定带着妻子和即将出世的孩子逃离魔窟。