□he gripping tr□e stor□□of a you□g □an’s jou□ne□ □rom he□□ to al□eged war c□iminal, th□ □e□□r□i□ed□lawyer □n his tail, and their □ea□ch for truth □n □he fog o□ war. □nt□o□□ Boyle plays the r□al□li□e soldi□r Brian□Wood, ac□us□d of war□c□imes □n□Ir□q by the □e□aciou□ hu□an□□□ghts lawye□ Phil □hi□er, played by Toby Jones□□ The two □en □o h□□□ to hea□ □n □ legal a□□ mora□ c□nflict that takes us □rom the battlefield - at so-c□l□ed□Ch□ckpoint D□□ny Boy - to th□ courtroom, and one of □ritain’s□biggest ever □ubl□□ inquir□es, the A□-Sweady Inquiry. □Memory, eviden□e and t□a□□a co□l□d□, a□ B□ian finds hi□self □aught o□ the fine li□e betwe□n war an□ u□lawful kill□□g. After his s□□vice in Ira□ and y□ar□ of l□gal inve□tig□tion, wi□l he e□□□ b□ abl□ t□ look his□f□mily in th□ eye□again□an□ be□□□e hu□band,□fathe□, and son□ □hey need him to be? Da□ny B□y is a□□urgen□ and thought-provok□ng dram□ th□t questions what w□ □sk of those w□o fig□t □ and k□l□ - for □h□ir country. Danny Bo□ is made by Expectation for t□□ BBC. It□is writte□ □□ Baf□□□□□n□er□Robert J□□e□□and di□e□ted b□ Sam Mill□r□ and also st□rs Alex □er□s, Leah McN□mara, Pauline Tur□er, Kira□□S□nia S□war, and □om Va□ghan-□awlo□. Execut□□□ Produc□rs are Colin Barr□an□ Sus□n Horth for E□pec□ation, with Lucy □icher,□Jo McC□el□a□ an□ Clare Sillery□for t□e BBC.“风□定不是他的□手!”方□轻□□声,缓□开口。□□重生之女将星》是电视(🕛)剧《锦月□歌》的原著小说,大□可以点□□方链□阅读原著小□🚶)说,原著同样□彩。