在周永广看来,旅游市场的繁荣发展,离不开“天时地利人和”。换句话说,除了要有利好政策和惠民措施、得天独厚的气候条件和丰富独特的旅游资源,还要有让游客来了不想走、走了还想来的旅游环境。三者并起,缺一不可。主人公唐若初陆世锦的书名科学家、摇滚明星、漫画英雄、地球最后的希望Buckaroo Banzai和他的香港骑士们阻止邪恶的Lord John Whorfin为首的外星人回到PLANET 10,拯救地球的大冒险。
A powerful biotech company has breakthrough technology allowing them to clone history's most influential people with just a few fragments of DNA. Behind this company is a cabal of Satanists that steals the shroud of Christ putting them in possession of Jesus' DNA. The clone will serve as the ultimate offering to the devil. Archangel Michael comes to earth and will stop at nothing to end the devil's conspiracy.