Marty(柯林·法瑞尔 Colin Farrell 饰)是一个爱喝酒的电影编剧,他的好友Billy(山姆·洛克威尔 Sam Rockwell 饰)则和Hans(克里斯托弗·沃肯 Christopher Walken饰)靠偷狗然后把狗还回给失主来赚钱。Marty近期在写 一个叫《七个神经病》的剧本,却没有什么灵感,于是Billy给他提供了一些素材。有一个神经病是一个杀手,每次杀完人都会扔下一张J扑克牌,有一个越南的复仇者,有一个自刎的贵格教徒....Billy偷了一条狗,这条狗是一个黑帮老大Charlie(伍迪·哈里森 Woody Harrelson 饰)的爱犬。Charlie丢了他视如生命的狗,到处在寻找。他找到了Hans住院的妻子并杀害了她。Billy知道这件事后,愤怒的将他的情人杀害,而她也是Charlie的情人,随后Billy扔下了一张扑克牌。原来Billy就是那个神经病杀手。他和Marty、Hans来到野外继续写剧本,同时他也让Charlie单枪匹马前来决斗..... boredom入围塔林电影节影评人之选竞赛。 Masterfully orchestrated – with only a small budget, the setting basically consisting of a table, two chairs, two persons talking, one mysterious manuscript and some little food in-between – this two-men drama reminds me of Robert Bresson’s famous words about filmmaking: “Two types of films: those that employ the resources of the theatre (actors, direction, etc.) and use the camera in order to reproduce, and those that employ the resources of cinematography and use the camera to create. (Robert Bresson. “Notes on the Cinematograph”, New York Review of Books, 2016)