郑凌霄闻言一愣,想了想却是摇了摇头没有说话,陈碧瑶噗嗤一笑道:“那是个不识货的家伙,只要了我两枚提升修为的九级丹药,哈哈,当时笑得我肚子都痛了。”遇见未知的自己txt完整版For Momo, the dream of a football career was within reach. But then his family blames him for a crime. Innocently, the 19-year-old ends up in jail and is expected to serve a 19-year sentence there. Momo now has to assert himself in everyday prison life. His mother and girlfriend visit him regularly and he finds support in the prison football team. But his prison life takes a dramatic turn. His uncle Amar, who is also a feared clan chief, is blackmailing him. In order to get protection in prison, he is supposed to start dealing drugs.