A little cat is being mercilessly tormented by a mean bulldog until one day he meets a black cat who offers a bad-luck service. Whenever the little cat blows a whistle, the black cat comes out, and the bulldog is struck down with an attack of bad luck. Things look bad for the bulldog until he realizes that a cat's color can be changed... 《悲伤逆流成河》小说免费虽然樱辉泉奈使用了「强制冷静」,但这仍然无法阻止雷克萨德的满腔怒火,法术被完全免疫掉了,眼泪几乎流尽了,让本就破烂的家具变得七穿八洞,墙壁也被「泪弹」打出一个又一个小坑洞,不知过来多久雷克萨德才安定下来…