<□□根据《诡秘□主》小说□的设□,□女会□□□🕓)□在□□中,“不老魔女”的孩子只会罹(😶)患序列 5 疾(□□病,而□□□女在一千多□前的□白灾(□□难□就已经(📣)是序列□3 了,这意味着她一出生就患□序列 □ 的疾病。因此,不老(🌕)...
On □ r□iny night □n 1928□in a Pen□□yl□ania factory □ow□ called Iverstown□□Martha□Ivers (Janis□Wil□on), thi□te□□ years old,□is trying to escape from the □uardianship□of □er w□□lthy, d□mineer□ng aunt. Her fri□□d□□the stree□-sm□□t, poor □am□Mast□rson □Darryl Hic□man□, co□e□ for her th□ough he□ bedroom window, but □artha's aunt catches them. □h□l□ Sa□ slips □ut un□oticed□ M□rtha□h□t□ Mrs. Ive□□□on the head,□causing h□r to fall down□t□e l□ng □t□irc□□□ and□die. T□oug□ Sam s□w n□th□□g, the event was□w□□n□□sed□by W□lter O&□3□□Neil □Mic□ey Kuhn)□ the □o□□□f Mar□ha's□tutor (Roman Bohnen),□kno□n as □r. O□#39;Ne□l. Martha l□es a□□u□ the □ncide□t to □r. O'Neil, and W□lt□r supp□rts her.[5] □□□ □'Nei□ suspect□ what ha□pened but□pr□sents □a□tha&□39;s v□rsion of events to the □olice, tha□ an intru□er is resp□nsi□le; □e□m□kes us□ □f hi□ know□edge by having□her marr□ his so□□ When the po□ice identif□ □ f□rmer em□l□ye□ of□the □un□ as the murderer, the two□□'Neils and Marth□ h□l□ convi□□ him; he □s□pun□shed by□hanging.[□□□ Eighteen yea□s later, the older □□#39;Neil□ha□ di□d.□Walter (no□ pla□ed by Kir□ Douglas)□is the□□ist□ict a□□orn□y, while M□rtha□(Barbar□□Stanwyck) □as used her in□er□t□nce f□□□ her aunt t□ build □□large bu□in□□s empire.□Their mar□iage is one-□ided; he lov□s her, but she does not love□him. □am (V□n Heflin), n□□ a drif□er a□d gambler, stops in □he small □own by chance to have his car re□aired a□ter□an a□c□dent. While waiti□□ for repairs, at his old home, n□w a boar□ing ho□se, he meet□□□nton□a□&□uot;Ton□" Marachek (Lizabeth Scott□,□wh□ has just□been relea□ed□from jail.□S□e□□□ later pic□ed up for □iolating her p□o□ation by not □et□rn□ng to he□ □ometow□. □am goes to see Walter,□to□s□e if he can □se his influe□□□ to g□t her releas□d. Walter is convinc□d Sam has returne□ with bl□ckm□il in□mind, giving Walter a motive to ru□ □am out o□□town. W□en□Martha□reac□s with joy□to□□he n□ws of Sam□9;s retu□n,□W□lter's jeal□□sy p□□vid□□ a□ additio□□l motive. □al□er forc□s□Toni t□ se□ Sam up. Sam is bea□en □□d driven out of □□wn, but□he is too tou□□ to □e□in□i□i□ated. W□en□a□l els□□fa□l□, Wa□ter□makes a □alf□□earted a□tempt to kill Sam himse□f, but is easily disarme□□□Ma□tha then□inad□□rtently blu□ts□out□the couple's□fears of bl□ckmail, which p□ove t□ be□groundle□s: Sam s□y□ he□did n□t wit□e□s the□de□t□. □□□t□a□breaks □own a□d □a□ents th□t □e □eft with□ut □er all th□se ye□rs ago, t□□ing with□h□m h□r□□n□y □hance□f□r love a□d □reedom. Sa□ is torn between his old□love an□□hi□ new. Although□he event□al□y forgiv□s Toni for □□trayi□g him□ □□ an□ Martha spend□an idyllic da□ together, rek□ndl□ng h□s □ee□ing□ for he□. Wa□ter□arrange□ to meet□Sam to□fin□lly□settl□ matter□.□Before Sam □rr□v□s, Walter gets drun□ and Martha□finds □ut abo□t□the meeting. When Walter fall□□down the stai□s and is k□ock□d unconscious□ Ma□tha□urge□ S□m to□kil□ him. Sa□ instead□b□i□gs Walt□r aro□nd□ Martha pulls out a g□n□and threa□□n□□□o shoot □am □n "sel□ □efen□□" as an intruder.□However, Sa□ gam□les t□at Walter will no□ back up□he□ story□ □e turns his b□ck on h□r and leave□. (🙆)Walte□ embr□ces and□kis□es his □ife; then he □oi□t□ the gun a□□her mid□iff. Oddly □elieved, □□e p□ts her hand ov□r h□s □and o□ th□ trigger and pre□s□s□□□□ she □s □ying□□she d□f□antly states □e□ na□e is not Martha Ivers□ but Ma□□ha Smith. O□tside, S□m hears □h□□sh□t. H□ □uns back□tow□rd th□ mansio□, but sees Wal□□r, hol□□ng□Martha□#39;s body, shoo□ himself. □am□and Ton□ dri□e □w□□ toget□e□.赶□点击下面链接,再回归一下超经典原作《斗破苍□》吧!!□下□几□分手虐心小□短篇完结的推荐:□.《你眼中(🅰)的星芒没有我(🚏)》:□主为了男主而死,男主深刻□(🍫)解到他□她(🧝)胜过自己的生命,这篇短篇小说情节虐心。2.□□度沦陷□:男□对女□□)□□心离婚,□主最终...5. 《我绑定了生活(🌗)系统》□□.□/p>