In their last attempt to save their marriage, Sara and Óscar decide to take a short vacation in a cabin in the woods with their two children. But upon arrival, strange events corrode the tense atmosphere between them: a woman prowls the house predicting events that defy nature, which break the family from within as they confront unresolved problems from their past.
该节目是一档街舞选拔类真人秀,由王一博、韩庚、李承铉、刘雨昕组成全新队长阵容。本季以“Battle For Hope”为Slogan,意在搭建出宽广的街舞平台,向青年舞者们提供延续梦想的机会,在交流与竞技中,共同展望中国街舞的未来。新老两代舞者风云际会,中外青年舞者共聚竞技舞台,一起为希望而战。 生死血符剧情介绍钦丹拓趴在地上不断地喘息着,一张脸上写满了惊恐不安之色。