“去住地,睡觉。”赛尔号大电影3战神联盟央视网The story of a former opera star who must by the will of Fate work as a Crocodile in a styrofoam costume entertaining children in the children’s playroom of a shopping centre. This kind of life seems joyless and even disgusting to the former leading tenor, and he vents his frustration by behaving rudely. Until one day, into his life enters a fateful woman and… a crocodile.
杰克(格雷格·亨利 Gregg Henry 饰)是一个名不见经传的小演员,最近,他的运气有些糟糕,不仅撞见女友另寻新欢的场面,还不得不搬离了原来的房子,流落在街头。一次偶然中,杰克遇见了名为弗兰克(Russ Marin 饰)的男子,巧合的是,弗兰克正在寻找一个可靠的朋友帮他看家。 就这样,杰克搬进了弗兰克的屋子里,在这里,他发现了弗兰克的邻居,一位性感妖娆的美女,每日都在窗前搔首弄姿。尽管觉得不妥,但杰克无法克制自己不去看她,就这样,杰克渐渐地迷失在了偷窥的快感中。某日,杰克偷窥到了一起凶杀案,无法报警又不甘心坐视不管的他决定靠自己的力量追查凶手的下落。