在一所远离大都会喧嚣的中学,女孩莲见鹰音(未来穂香 饰)和好友辻泽三佳(青山美乡 饰)正享受着最后的时光。喜爱画画的鹰音志愿报考美术学校,每当三佳阅读业已毕业的校友花冈奈津江(川村ゆきえ 饰)的小说《思春期游戏》时,她便在一旁静静地画下好友的容颜。偶然的一天,三佳在图书馆邂逅担任管理员的奈津江,她为此大喜过望,不仅将这一发现告诉了鹰音,还和憧憬的作家展开了积极的交流。她迷恋小说中对那段禁断之恋的刻画,甚至渐渐模糊了小说和现实的界限。当她最新作家所构建的世界中时,不知不觉间和鹰音渐渐疏远。 女孩们最后的青涩时代,充满了各种各样的愁绪和迷乱…… 87版红楼梦演员安雯Former Green Beret Louis Stevens returns to his hometown of Miami after completing military service in Brazil, only to learn that his old high school has become a haven for gangs and drug dealers. After Stevens uses his capoeira skills to kick several drug dealers off of the school property, Kerrigan, one of Stevens' old teachers, sees the impact that Stevens has on the students. Kerrigan gives him the task of teaching Capoeira to a handful of the worst at-risk students at the school.