For Balduin, going out to beer parties with his fellow students and fighting out disputes at the tip of the sword have lost their charms. He wants to find love; but how would he, a penniless student, ever dare looking up to any woman worth of loving? Absorbed in his dreary thoughts and indifferent to the advances of Lyduschka, Balduin is unexpectedly offered a fortune by the mysterious money-lender Scapinelli - but on a strange condition... 来吧儿子妈妈今天是你的人,神马风起云涌的20世纪30年代,龙蛇混杂的十里洋场上海滩,即是歌舞升平、飞鹰走马的花花天堂,又是中外各方势力盘根错节、明争暗斗的血腥战场。家住镇江的女孩荣锦绣(陈乔恩 饰)也许从没想过自己会在这个中外驰名的魔都上演一系列的恩怨故事,然家族的无妄之灾却不由分说地推向了那里。落难之际,锦绣得到左震(黄晓明 饰)的救助。左震和名震上海滩的向寒川(谢君豪 饰)、向英东(乔任梁 饰)两兄弟结拜成交,锦绣借此机缘在向家开的狮子林大酒店重逢童年因某种原因而分开的姐姐殷明珠(吕佳容 饰)。左震和锦绣的命运联系在一起,偏偏女孩阴差阳错心仪着英少,英少则对哥哥的女人明珠有着难以道出的情感。 翻江倒海的十里洋场,爱情也变的曲折凄迷……