It's 1927 and Prohibition is the law of the land. For Rocky, Freckle and Ivy, the night shifts are never dull. LACKADAISY, based on a comic series by Tracy J. Butler, was directed by Fable Siegel, produced by Iron Circus Animation, and made by a crew of more than 160 skilled artists across the world. The project was funded by Kickstarter backers, aided by Patreon supporters, and fueled by fan viewership and enthusiasm during the course of its production. 恶魔之吻3电视剧鍐嶆鐢虫槑锛屽彧鎷涘舰璞″ソ鐨勭敺瀛╁コ瀛╋紝鏈嶅姟鍛橈紝淇℃垜鐨勬垜浠繘鍦哄瓙闈㈣皥銆傚鎬讳細涓婄彮鏃堕棿锛?9锛?0锛堢Н鏋佹€у己鐨勫コ瀛╁彲浠ュ幓鏃╃偣鐨勶紝杩欎釜娌″お澶氶檺鍒讹紝鍏朵粬鏃堕棿闈㈣瘯鐨勫彲浠ヤ笉瑕?