Responding to the call of President Roosevelt, the eight major Hollywood studios devoted their resources and talents in the service of the war effort. Feature films, documentaries, cartoons: thousands of films are produced for the general public or the different branches of the military. All serve a purpose: to motivate the commitment of new recruits, assist in the training of troops or to the organisation of the home front and denounce the Nazi ideology; to exacerbate the patriotic feeling… The greatest male stars of the time put on the uniform: Clark Gable, James Stewart and Tyrone Power all actively participate in combat while Marlene Dietrich, Bette Davis and Rita Hayworth mobilise to raise funds or entertain the troops. All producers, actors and directors, from the most famous stars to more anonymous technicians answer the call of the government to set up a giant propaganda machine and produce hundreds of films to support the American War effort. THE HOLLYWOOD WAR portrays this unique venture and offers an original look into the Second World War, the history of America and the cinema. 俏皮小花仙普通话版免费观看涓婃捣鍖楀煄涓栫邯閲戞簮澶чキ搴楁槸涓栫邯閲戞簮闆嗗洟鏃椾笅绗崄鍏璞崕鍨嬮キ搴?闆嗏€滃姙鍏€佸晢浣忋€佹梾娓搞€佸啓瀛楁ゼ銆佸叕瀵撱€佷紤闂插仴韬€佸ū涔愮編椋熲€濅负涓€浣撶殑鐜颁唬鍖栬豹鍗庡瀷鍟嗗姟閰掑簵銆傞厭搴楀叡52灞?鎬诲缓绛?