Luisa has a habit of bringing her dates home, irritating her son, Cesar. When Cesar invites his best friend Pablo over for a sleepover, Luisa's flirtations become too much to bear, especially as Cesar has his own feelings towards Pablo.
The Listener was renewed for a third season on June 1, 2011, and will premiere on May 30, 2012. 顶级暴徒笔趣阁免费阅读《龙日一,你死定了》是一部校园、青春、时尚网剧。该剧主要讲述优等生张静美转校来到顶级精英学府——本承学院,却在入校第一天不幸遇到“校园魔头”龙日一。两人就在这一来一回、斗智斗勇的较量中互生情愫。他们的恋情在本承学院掀起巨大波澜,同时也让龙日一家族的关系变得微妙起来……