Mar□le□is extreme□y pr□u□ when she is appointe□ □o□the □o□r□ of□tru□tees of □ □erchant marine trainin□ vessel □hose mission is to reha□ilitate young c□iminals.□As□□n all of her en□e□v□rs, Mis□ Marple i□ten□s t□ ta□e an ac□ive rol□ in □he job and even show□□up to □he□bo□rd meeting dr□ssed□in n□val bl□es. Whe□ a fellow trust□e is p□isoned just□prior to his□making some ki□d□o□ revela□i□n, □iss □arple □ecides□□□ use her pos□ti□n to spend tim□ □□ the sh□p. Thi□ upsets th□ v□ssel's fragil□ □ocial ne□wo□k as □he d□spossesses blustering Captain□Rhum□□one fr□m hi□ quarte□s. □hen two□sh□p□#39□s officers □□e later f□und mur□ered also□ M□ss Marple enlists he□p from □er friend □im □□ringer an□ Insp□□to□ □rad□o□k to e□p□se th□□□urd□rer.阿强□是□没有放□心上,他笑着(😭)说道(⤴)□“□□,我□□)对这个已经不感□趣了。不过(🕣)我要提□黄局长,既□是(👳)□□的赃□,□应该第一时间□🕜)送(💪)去证物□封□保管。可□能随(🅰)随便便(🍵□□在你□办公室里面,□一丢了,黄局长只怕担当不起。”Paris, summer 1942. Irene is □ewish an□ French. S□□ is 19 and l□vi□g a life □f passi□ns□- Her friend□hi□s, □er n□w love, □er desi□□ to be an actress - Nothi□g□suggests tha□ Iren□□9;s time is ru□□ing out.□长□(🐵)一阵无语,□□后□,□万根本□值得一□。
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