Home-bound from a five-month mission, the team is called back into action when the vice president is assassinated and the president-elect goes to ground after his motorcade is attacked. Back at home the women are abruptly uprooted when it's feared their lives are in danger as well, and the resulting chaos reveals a deep secret. 黑色荣耀沙发原声片段爱奇艺鍦板潃:闃滈槼甯備复娉夊幙鍏夋槑璺?鏉板厠绠€绾﹂厭搴?鍦板潃:闃滈槼甯備复娉夊幙瑙f斁鍗楀ぇ琛?43鍙?閲戣锤瀹鹃(鍏夋槑鍗楄矾搴? 鍦板潃:闃滈槼甯備复娉夊幙鍏夋槑璺?鍥涘寲璺彛瑗垮崡渚? 閽滆豹鍟嗗姟閰掑簵 鍦板潃:闃滈槼甯備复娉夊幙