In the Korean Classic Horror Movie, A Public Cemetery of Wolha 1967, the tombstone of the kisaeng (Korean geisha) Wol-ha, who dies under a false accusation, is found! Set in the 1930s when Korea was under Japanese rule, a story was told about a girl, Wolhyang. She goes from a student to a kisaeng (Korean geisha) to a wife of a bourgeois man and is finally killed under a false accusation. This is a well-known story in Korea from the Korean classic horror movie, A Public Cemetery of Wolha. The movie, Wol-ha 2017, starts with a setting, where the tombstone of Wol-ha is found by an international collector and the whole process of finding the tomb of Kisaeng Wolhyang is recorded by video. The footages are fully of the mysterious and the grotesque...! 将计就计电影演员 春天一来,商都县农牧和科技局局长庞学峰便忙于入农户、进田头,落实低耗水作物种植计划。“从前都是把旱地改良为水地,提高农业单产。现在‘水改旱’,只为保护察汗淖尔湿地。”