Civil War veteran Josiah Grey comes to a small town to be a gospel minister. In time he has a family and many friends, but he also finds friction with a few of his parishioners. A young doctor grates at what he feels is the parson's interference in the scientific treatment of patients, and a mine owner resents Grey's protection of an old sharecropper whose small plot of land stands in the way of his continued mining. Grey must face a public health crisis and a lynch mob as a result, all seen and described through the eyes and memory of Grey's young nephew John. 虚惊小说在线阅读全文虽然局面稳定了,但情势依然不太乐观,整体上灵剑宗还是处于弱势。苏生自信可以解决一个,实在解决不了,拖住一个肯定没问题,还是让南江月和千离去帮其他人比较好。