Traveling back in time to the early 2000s, this gripping narrative brings together the concurrent histories of two serial killers and the terror they inflicted upon Baton Rouge and much of its surrounding areas. Federal investigations into unsolved murder cases of women in Baton Rouge were going nowhere because the Baton Rouge area Multi-Agency Task Force simply had so many cases on their hands. From 1991 to 2001 there were 53 unsolved murders of women in Baton Rouge, many coming from different backgrounds and ethnicities and involving different causes of death. Any attempt to sift through potential suspects led them astray because not only were they focusing on a wrong profile, but they did not consider they were dealing with more than one serial killer at the time… 赛茜Cecilia个人资料简介鏄熸眹閲忚穿KTV(鐧句箰闂ㄥ簵) 鍒嗗簵 2965鏉¤瘎浠穦浜哄潎锟?5 閲忚穿寮廗TV|鏄庣彔骞垮満 涓婃捣涓€椤礙TV(姝eぇ搴? 156鏉¤瘎浠穦浜哄潎锟?1 閲忚穿寮廗TV|鏄庣彔骞垮満 璧㈠帤娴风弨路鍩庡競浼氬涓績 12鏉¤瘎浠穦浜哄潎 - 閲忚穿寮廗TV|铚€灞卞尯