雍正年间,一个风高月黑的夜晚,奸佞九门提督萨英率领百余清兵突然偷袭朱家庄,纵火破户,蜂拥而入。原来十多年前,忠良年羹尧冤遭萨英诬陷,饮恨而亡,临终将幼子托与部将朱问天抚养,取名朱海仇,及至年长。萨英为免除心腹之患,决计斩草除根,便发动了对朱家庄的洗劫。朱问天被突如其来的劫杀惊醒,仓促带领养子朱海仇、亲子朱汉良及众庄丁竭力拼杀,保护朱海仇突出重围,但朱问天身负重伤,其妻被擒,朱家庄化为一片废墟。惨无人道的萨英将朱问天妻子的头颅高高挑于城外,海仇、汉良兄弟看见,肝肠寸断,发誓一定要为母亲报仇,除掉萨英。正在悲恸间,萨英又追踪赶来,在智清高僧帮助下,海仇、流良再次脱险。他们颠沛流离,历尽坎坷,偶然中遇见太极大师陈继宗,他原来也是年羹尧麾下的骁将,因受株连而隐匿深山,潜心修练太极神功,并将秘功传授两位女儿菁儿和凯儿,也准备报仇。海仇、汉良遂留在陈氏门下习练太极神功。元宵灯会,海仇、汉良、菁儿、凯儿四位年少男女结伴赏灯观景,无意撞见寻欢作乐的萨英。海仇、汉良便巧扮舞狮人伺机复仇,未成功。海仇在寺内习武数年,经大师、高僧精心指点,终功成业就,又得众义士相助,最后大破百人八卦阵,剪除奸佞萨英,痛报家仇国恨。网站正能量免费观看不用下载To the streets, “Raq” Thomas is cold, hard and fierce — a successful and deadly woman taking names in a man’s world. She is tough, resolute, ruthless, but Raq still is capable of love. Great love. The sole recipient of that affection is her son, Kanan; he is everything to her. As much as she cares for him, though, there are many instances where one wonders if she loves him for who he is or if she loves him merely as an extension of herself. The middle child of three, Raq also carries the heavy burden as the earner for her two brothers. She is the sun, and everyone else in her universe exists in her orbit.