从苏醒以来,前往到巨土镇,将身受重伤的弟弟伤势稳住后,为了提升自身实力,同时通过实战测试下,自己还能动用多少精神力,武书决定前往巨象山脉历练。未曾想到,才进入巨象山脉没多久,就被李剑锋盯上了,然后在李剑锋的一点点引导下,与魔族相遇了。美少女死神之还我h之神A renegade USAF general, Lawrence Dell, escapes from a military prison and takes over an ICBM silo near Montana and threatens to provoke World War 3 unless the President reveals details of a secret meeting held just after the start of the Vietnam War between Dell and the then President's most trusted advisors.