The Potter family has just moved to a rented apartment in San Francisco. Harry Potter Sr. and his wife Anne are bringing the packages to the apartment and their son Harry Jr. and their little daughter Wendy Anne stays on the sidewalk. Wendy goes to the laundry room, she meets the wicked troll Torok that uses his magic ring to possess Wendy and to use her form to transform the dwellers and their apartment into other trolls and his kingdom. Harry Jr. feels that something is wrong with his sister and seeks out help with the good witch Eunice St. Clair that lives in the building.
往日平静的洛克威小镇,近来怪事不断,先是农家被毁、车子损坏等。一天晚上,发电厂也遭到了破坏,导致全镇停电,引起了全镇居民的恐慌。小男孩霍加斯(艾力·马伦斯奥 Eli Marienthal 配音)觉得迹象很可疑,于是沿着电缆线走到了建在森林中的发电厂,发现了凶手——钢铁巨人(范·迪塞尔 Vin Diesel 配音)。开始霍加斯被钢铁巨人巨大的身躯吓坏了,但发现他被高压电缆线缠住,无法脱身。霍加斯没有打算将此事向大人们报告,而是打算救他出来,在多日的交往过程中,霍加斯发现他其实有颗善良的心,两人成了好朋友。钢铁巨人以铁为食,每天要消耗大量的铁,供不应求,霍加斯只好带他去狄恩(小哈里·康尼克 Harry Connick Jr.)旧车厂。 另一方面,政府派来了肯特(克里斯托弗·麦克唐纳 Christopher McDonald 配音),追查铁巨人的下落,并到处散播谣言。最后巨人被肯特发现,派出大量的军队来摧毁他,完全不顾小镇居民的安危,错误的将原子弹的发射了出去,钢铁巨人在危机关头将会如何解决危机…… 天堂之吻动漫一位定格动画师,在失去专横的母亲后,正在努力控制自己内心的的恶魔。她孤身一人,开始创作一部令人毛骨悚然的定格动画电影,这部电影很快就成为她理智的战场。当她的精神开始崩溃时,她的动画电影中的角色有了自己的意志,她释放的想象力威胁着摧毁她的生活。