极权确实是足够聪明,可是却不足以看到问题的关键所在,只是这种借力打力的办法却也是不错的选择。极权因为还是没有掌控到部落权力的精髓所在,因此大部分时候都会选择较小的部落来动手,如此确实是可以震慑四大较大部落的首领,然则却也是会导致权力更加分散,一些小首领都会逐步成为大首领,甚至于会让问题更加复杂。说到底,还是不够老辣,但却也是能够成事。只是,那样一来,问题会随之逐渐增多,这是谁都不想看到的,也是以极权现在的大局观无法看透的。你好火焰蓝电视剧免费观看14Episode 1: The Eleventh Hour Episode 2: The Beast Below Episode 3: Victory of the Daleks Episode 4: The Time of Angels Episode 5: Flesh and Stone Episode 6: The Vampires of Venice Episode 7: Amy's Choice Episode 8: The Hungry Earth Episode 9: Cold Blood Episode 10: Vincent and the Doctor Episode 11: The Lodger Episode 12: The Pandorica Opens Episode 13: The Big Bang