今年9月25日是中秋节,距离10月1日仅仅5天,又值9月28日某商场八一店五周年店庆,这种扎堆效应,潜在消费群体相对于单个节日来说要多很多,同时为了应对某某10周年大庆,提前引爆并释放消不惑女人的扭曲生活最新章节更新情况The story revolves around a youth Sub-Inspector in a town in Tuticorin. Being a well bonded family in the town, hero's father wants to have his son in his proximity's. He makes hero a police- sub-inspector and make sure that hero gets his posting in his own town. In the smooth pattern of hero with a comedian constable enters the heroine, daughter of a business man in Chennai. She comes to hero's town for her vacation where her grandfather's lives and they fall in love with each other. parallel on the other side, a Chennai court verdicts the villain to be expelled from the territory of Chennai to the police station of hero's for a certain period. The two clash against each other in the reporting period due to unforeseen reasons and the enmity leaps in-controlled. The villain takes every effort to get the hero transferred to his own territory, Chennai and succeeds in transferring. The rest of the story follows...