Housefull 4 is an upcoming Indian comedy film directed by Farhad Samji, and produced by Sajid Nadiadwala under the banner of Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment. The film is the fourth installment of Housefull.[1][2] The second to be directed by Farhad Samji who also directed the third installment.[3] Nadiadwala claimed that the film will be the highest budgeted Indian comedy film.[4][5][6] The film is slated for a Diwali 2019 release.[7] 象素黑神话下载市公司?于?022 年?2 月?1 日披露了《鲁商健康产业发展股份有限公司重?资产出售暨关联交易报告书(草案)?于?023 年? 月?3 日收悉贵所下发?《关