本剧改编自韩国深受好评的长篇小说《五个泡菜包子》,融合了韩国传统风俗中的宗家文化和超现代化的企业文化。 活泼又有点荒谬的宗家大小姐李秀荷(李多海 饰) 是个傲慢又泼辣的人,为保护日渐衰败的花安堂,横冲直撞的寻求各种赚钱的机会。却与奉爷爷之命执意购买宗家大宅的TOP集团富家公子黄东奎(李志勋 饰) 之间发生了诸多争执,同时又被东奎和他的堂弟,花花公子黄灿民(夏石镇 饰)的爱慕之情弄得焦躁不堪。就在两人互使招数为赢得大小姐芳心的同时,爷爷却下令谁有办法得到花安堂,谁就拥有TOP集团的继承权,更使得两人间的竞争日益白热化...... 姐妹牙医 赤子板栗华中影American Murderer is based on the true story of Jason Derek Brown - a charismatic con man turned party king who bankrolls his luxurious lifestyle through a series of scams. When his funds run low and his past catches up with him, he plots his most elaborate scheme yet and, in the process, becomes the FBI's most unlikely - and elusive - top ten fugitive.