主演:李响 海洛依丝·戈多 Kamilla Kowal Shirin Redha
□旭走出宾馆的大门,不远处林梓懿正冲□招手。Kill□□n is a young□m□n who ha□ never left □he remote mou□□□ins □f □ue□ca (Spain)□w□□ch s□w him□grow up□□In 1953, he tra□els b□ck to the □xotic Eq□ator□al A□rican i□land o□ Fernando Poo, in S□anish G□inee, where□he □as born□ t□ work in□a cac□o plant□tion along□ide his father and his □□other.□Duri□g□20 y□□rs□in□this is□an□, □□ti□ the □ro□bled days of independenc□, he will u□d□rt□k□ a□jo□rney towa□d□□maturity and know□□dge, but will also □ave□to □□a□ with □ain a□d loss□ ...详情如果喜欢最新免费电影大全-最新最全的免费追剧网-随便看看影院请分享给身边的朋友,站内广告是本站能持续为大家服务的立命之本还望顺手支持一下^_^
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