以下是(⏪)一些推(□)荐的□套路(🚸□小说□这人拿起桌(📑□□的酒,倒了一杯,不过□在手上并没有喝。□东京连续发□数□离奇命案,所有尸体上皆□上□X”符号,□在场的嫌犯(□)都不记得□己□为□这令警察们大为困惑□刑警高部((🚐)役所广□□)断定□人利□催眠□行凶(🏌),□□在□岸徘徊的□失忆青年□宫(荻□圣人饰)成为怀疑□点,□该青年接□✉)触过□教□□警察和女医生都这样□了人。 随后高部着□📣)手对间宫进行审□□□总被他的言语打乱,调查毫无进展□再加上妻子因□神疾□住院,高□的□绪变得极□糟糕。高部的□友心(🥩)理学家佐□间劝他不要再和□宫接(□)触,自己□被无意(📋)识使用催眠术的间宫逐渐操控。□□后,□宫从□神病院逃□,而佐久间□□现自杀身亡。高部来到以前间宫提过(🧡)的一间废□小屋中,□到了间宫并将他□⚽□□死,□方满足地死去。然而□切□没有就此结束…□□B□rnard m□ets Jane in a Nig□t Club, in Lo□don, and he lik□s □er. □□r father was kill□□ in □□c□r □ccident, but Jane t□i□ks he has be□n □i□□ed □ecause□he was blackmailed fo□ a pictu□e o□ his□s□con□ wife, Jane’s mot□er □n law□ □n the same □i□□□ Club Bernar□ finds t□□ □lack□ai□er corpse□and□□□□e near □im, but□h□ b□lieves she is inn□cent.□So□Bernard and □an□ run away□followed □y a dwarf, the blackmailer’s men, who believ□ Bern□rd killed□□heir b□ss and of course, the Polic□. □h□□ be□ieve that J□rome, Jane’s brother□ can help them to □olve the case. Bu□□Jan□ doesn’t □now w□ere he is□ or so she says.□□o□pse a□ter corpse, Berna□d□wil□ f□nd □u□ the trut□. But will the truth he□p hi□?
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