The Balkan Peninsula is notorious for being one of the great battlegrounds of history. And yet, it possesses another side unknown to many, where ancient forests and vast wetlands harbor pristine wilderness, and sheer cliff walls and desolate plateaus preserve a seemingly unchanged past. Surveying these striking and stark landscapes, one might think they’ve ventured into the Middle-earth of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. Indeed the Balkan Peninsula is home to a variety of regions that border on mythical. In Croatia’s Kopacki Rit Wetlands, land mines keep people away, but enable native wildlife to thrive. Further south, Montenegro’s Tara River carves through Europe’s longest and deepest canyon, and neighboring forests provide refuge to rare animals such as the Balkan Lynx. To the east, millions of birds flock to the Danube Delta to feast on swarms of mosquitoes. And at the west of the Balkans is Skadar Lake, a remarkable landscape of peaks and water. This is a journey to a world seemingly forgotten by time. This is the wild Balkans.
特立独行、技术高超的杀手杰克(乔治·克鲁尼 George Clooney饰)来到意大利乡下的一座田园小镇,打算执行完这次任务后金盆洗手——为女杀手组装一支专用步枪。在这相对简单平静的环境里,原本低调谨慎的杰克出乎意料的与当地居民建立了深厚的友谊。不仅如此,他还邂逅了美丽的妓女克莱拉(薇奥兰特·普拉西多 Violante Placido饰),一段浪漫的爱情由此展开。然而,这杀手生涯中的最后一次任务,却远没有想象中的简单。 本片根据马丁·布斯的小说《一位非常低调的绅士》改编而成。