A vicious alligator named Ramon, who was flushed into the city sewer as a baby, survives to become a 32-foot-long menace who devours animals and people alike. Ramon's so huge because of the steady diet of dead pets - treated with growth hormones - that he's fed on for 12 years. Now the tremendous brute is angry and looking for revenge. Only detective David Madison knows of Ramon's existence, and it is his task to prove to the rest of the city that a tropical beast lives in their midst. Veteran screenwriter Sayles' script finds the perfect blend of comedy and horror, making this an entertaining romp through the sewers of Chicago.
开云夜场登录入口手机版(2023已更?今日/头条)『信誉推荐』最安全平台之一,公司产品广泛,提供开云夜场登录入口手机版(2023已更?今日/头条)最徒弟他他他又ooc了176章哈维·贝克(保罗·吉尔马迪 Paul Giamatti 饰)是美国弗吉尼亚州一家医院内的文件管理员,他貌不惊人,从小就有着与众不同的独立思想,然而他的生活如此糟糕。哈维的工作枯燥无聊,两次婚姻都一塌糊涂,业余时间就是躲在家中看漫画、听爵士乐唱片。偶然的机会,哈维结识了漫画家罗伯特·哥伦布(James Urbaniak 饰),他从对方那里受到启发,决定以漫画的形式汇出自己的人生。似乎,一切就此发生改变…… 本片根据哈维·贝克(Harvey Pekar)的漫画改编,并荣获2003年戛纳电影节国际影评人费比西奖特别致意、2003年纽约影评人协会最佳女主角和最佳处女作奖等各大电影节近30个奖项。