Lillebror moves with Knerten and his family to the western part of Norway, but dreams of even bigger expeditions, like going to the North Pole.
“安全屋”为警方安排给重要证人秘密居住的地方,警员VICENT调查一起赌波事件,成功偷听录音而破案,因此获得升迁,VICENT与女友莹及好友美、琳、靖庆祝,不料,VICENT不久遇袭,身中五枪,生死未卜. 美与靖调查毒枭雄,借故将其扣留,正要因证据不足放其走时,雄的得力助手辉被抓获,辉之女友怡亦被捕,安排辉、怡住安全屋,以防雄对其不利,雄利用开庭说出一些无关之话,众人不解,却有一个将之记入在心,安全屋屡受袭击,发生激烈枪战,此时,美追查出VICENT遇袭与雄有关,原来VICENT的录音里含有雄不可告人的秘密. 怡邀辉一起逃离安全屋,中途却将枪指向他,恩爱的女友变成仇敌,原因何在?而雄正洋洋得意面对的证据不足,究竟正义能否压倒邪恶?VICENT又能否重新苏醒过来?无敌幸运星梅小惠貌似介绍东南亚热带雨林里的一种螳螂和凤蝶的生活史。Discovery HD频道曾经播出,年初国内各大HD论坛均有发布,但因为打着Discovery的旗号,所以未曾注意到是IMAX影片 Explore the extraordinary hidden world of insects, where a leaf weighs more than a car, rain drops feel like exploding hand grenades and a blade of grass soars like a skyscraper. Shot on location in the Borneo rainforest, Bugs! brings the beautiful and dangerous universe of its tiny stars up close and personal with cutting-edge technology that magnifies them up to 250,000 times their normal size. Don't miss this unforgettable, stunning film that reveals the dramatic, savage and awe-inspiring lives of these fascinating