13-year-old Nate Foster is an unpopular Midwestern kid who entertains vivid fantasies of becoming a big Broadway musical star. In the meantime, however, Nate can't even get a decent role in his middle school's drama productions, getting cast as a tree in the chorus instead of the lead role he craves. However, when he and his best friend Libby mastermind a daring trip to New York City, without their parents' knowledge, to audition for "Lilo and Stitch: The Musical," Nate may be on the verge of fulfilling his lifelong dream. But first, he has to overcome a series of comical obstacles that threaten his Broadway adventure with disaster at every farcical turn. 斗罗大陆第150集免费涓浗,瀹夊窘,涓婃捣,鍖呮渤鍖?寰藉窞澶ч亾5111鍙锋樉绀哄湴鍥?瑁呬慨:2016涓婃捣鐧介噾姹夌埖澶ч厭搴椾綅浜庢花婀栨柊鍖哄窘宸炲ぇ閬?婊ㄦ箹鏂板尯寰藉窞澶ч亾涓庝竾娉夋渤璺氦鍙夊彛),璺濅笂娴风粫鍩庨珮鏋剁害鍗佸嚑鍒嗛挓杞︾▼,浜ら€氫究鍒┿€傛煡鐪嬫洿澶?閫夋嫨鎴?