Mary, a poor farm girl, meets Tim just as word comes that war has been declared. Tim enlists in the army and goes to the battlefields of Europe, where he is wounded and loses the use of his legs. Home again, Tim is visited by Mary, and they are powerfully attracted to each other; but his physical handicap prevents him from declaring his love for her. Deeper complications set in when Martin, Tim's former sergeant and a bully, takes a shine to Mary. 白雪公主正版的视频鍦板潃:涓婃捣甯傛槦鍏夊浗闄呭箍鍦?妤?鍒嗙被:KTV 鎴戣鍒犻櫎 涓婃捣浜ら€氭寚寮?濂藉0闊矺TV闄勮繎鐨勫叕浜ょ珯:鍘垮骞垮満(鑰佽)銆佸啘璐稿競鍦?閭數灞€)銆佹斂搴滃箍鍦恒€佽嚜鏉ユ按鍏徃銆佺惇鐟炲ぇ鍘︺€佷腑鍖婚櫌銆佹柊鍗庝功搴?