喧嚣都市的一隅,单身妈妈琴子(Cocco 饰)和尚在襁褓中的儿子大二郎独自居住在一间老旧的公寓中。相当长的一段时间内,琴子备受精神问题的困扰,凡是在她眼前出现的人都会变成两个,她分不清哪个是真哪个是假,神经恐惧脆弱到了极限。只有当她唱歌时,眼前的幻象才暂时消失。而与此同时,对大二郎的过分担忧与保护又让琴子的精神状况愈加恶化,最终她不得不面对与儿子分别的命运。某天,琴子邂逅貌不惊人的小说家田中清太郎(冢本晋也 饰)。清太郎醉心于琴子的歌声,对她展开大胆的追求。面对眼前这个悲观绝望、朝向自毁的女子,田中用尽各种方法去温暖、治愈琴子千疮百孔的心…… 本片荣获2011年威尼斯电影节地平线单元大奖。 narutohenta全彩本子When his sister's classmate, Leelaa, comes to spend the summer at his family home, a friendship is forged in few days and when our hero decides to take off on a road trip across the country, Leela is more than ready to join him. But something happens on that road trip. Situations go out of control and our lead pair are thrown into a vortex that they're completely unprepared for and beyond their control.