Six years after her husband, a prominent Belgrade lawyer, died in a fire, Anja Kolar receives information that makes her question everything she thought she knew about the accident and about her own family as well. At the same time the sudden death of his best friend's daughter draws police inspector Dejan Strbac into a whirlpool of crimes, starting with the mysterious disappearance of a young female lawyer, which took place six years earlier. 四十九岁妇女燥热入睡困难吃什么药开朗热情的美国青年裘德(亚当·德赖弗 Adam Driver 饰)邂逅了热情奔放的意大利女孩米娜(阿尔芭·洛瓦赫 Alba Rohrwacher 饰),趣味相投的两人很快就走到了一起,火速成婚并且有了爱情的结晶。新婚的生活总是充满了幸福和快乐,孩子的到来亦让两个年轻人对未来充满了希望。 可是,随着米娜的小腹渐渐隆起,一些细枝末节处的违和感令裘德感到了深深的不安。米娜拒绝食用所有她认为“不健康”的食物,实际上,符合她要求的“纯天然健康”食物实在是少之又少。裘德提心吊胆的度过了妻子的整个孕期,孩子总算健康出生,之后,米娜的焦虑便转移到了这个小家伙身上。对于米娜来说,外面的世界充满了细菌和污秽,她当然要完完全全的禁止她的孩子走进那个“可怕”的世界。