A documentary film about the Brazilian town of Toritama, the self-proclaimed capital of jeans. The workers of the city’s self-managed small businesses only get one real break from their self-exploiting lives in the textile business: the annual Carnival. 柏林电影节全景单元
骞虫箹鐧介噾姹夌埖ktv鍏富浠蜂綅鐨勬嫾闊?ping hu bai jin han jue ktvgong zhu jia wei (璐g紪:admin) 鍒嗕韩璁╂洿澶氫汉鐪嬪埌 鐑棬鎺掕 1涓栬寕闆嗗洟:绉瀬鎺ㄨ繘澧冨鍊哄姟閲嶇粍 涓?