留意到少女脸上期待的神情,苏生也重重点了点头道“夏秋姐,放心吧,既然你这么信任我,将这件事交到了我的手上,我能让你失望吗?”日本视频一区在线The main story is set in a British Military Intelligence Office in Whitehall during 1956, where a small group of foreign affairs analysts find their quiet existence disrupted by the Suez Crisis. Ewan McGregor plays Mick Hopper, who is doing his national service as an interpreter of Russian documents. Bored with his job, Hopper spends his days creating fantasy daydreams that involve his work colleagues breaking into contemporary hit songs. Louise Germaine plays Sylvia Berry, the blonde wife of the violent Corporal Pete Berry (Douglas Henshall). Sylvia is an object of desire for Mick's fellow clerk Private Francis Francis and a middle-aged pipe-organist named Harold Atterbow (Roy Hudd). Unlike the street-wise Hopper, Francis is a clumsy Welsh intellectual whose academic career has been interrupted by his army call up. The appearance of the bookish niece of a seconded American officer enables the two conscripts to pair off with suitable partners, after initial mismatching. Some of the side themes include the influence of American rock and roll on English society, the gulf between the senior analysts, who are regular army officers, and the conscripted other ranks, the work of Russian playwright Chekhov, and the appreciation of opulent theatre pipe organs. The unusual context — a military culture transplanted into a civil service style office environment — reflects Potter's own national service during the 1950s. While this piece has the form of a romantic comedy, unlike the less conventional works of Dennis Potter's middle period, it is not without graphic sex and violence, as well as Potter's characteristic flashes of dreamlike imagery. The centrepiece of this production is the surreal musical sequence set to the song In a Persian Market.
加州圣佩得罗静静的河水上,一具冰冷的尸体随波飘荡。事是上这冰冷并不蕴含任何死亡的信息,这只是一个装着玻璃眼球的硅胶假人。随着这个假人的出现,它的真身—那位客串演员也将逐渐淡出人们的视野,淡出CBS人气剧集NCIS(《海军罪案调查处》)。 不过有人离开就有人回来,第五季NCIS我们迎来了马克·哈蒙(Mark Harmon)的回归。这次他出演的还是那位勇敢的特工Leroy Jethro Gibbs,又一个烫手山竽,于是我们主角来到了位于沿海地区俄罪案现场。身穿一件准路军的白T恤外加一件花尼夹克,一头银发这就是我们的主角带着旁边一个娃娃脸的特工Timothy McGee(或者叫Probie,由Sean Murray饰演)还有前任摩萨德组织成员Ziva David(由Cote de Pablo饰演)一起开始了沿河堤寻找所谓“死尸”的旅途。 拍摄休息期间,哈蒙从那明争暗斗的世界中回到了平静的现实之中。这时一个壮实的中年男子拦住了哈蒙,他手拄一根拐杖,静静地看完了刚才的这个排演。“你觉得圣佩德罗怎么样?”男子随意地问道。哈蒙突然表现地异常专业,边走边回答到,“是个好天”,嘴角露出只有他是Gibbs才有的那种狡黠,继而哈蒙又说道,“有什么可讨厌的呢?”。 那个男子的问题真是个好问题。蓝天,海风,随风细语着的棕榈叶,这样优美的环境可能只会让人想小憩一下,可是正是在这里哈蒙努力着自己的事业。九周的空白并没有使失去镇静,相反的,他在这里,在这NCIS继续着他的传奇。“这里很平静”,哈蒙说道,一边他还在他心爱的72年版Airstream首发版(一款概念车,也是哈蒙外出工作时的家)里搜寻着他生活的碎片:散落的照片,书本,背包还有他作品的DVD(有《Comes a Horseman》,《Cool Hand Luke》)。“现在我们一般每天工作12个小时,我们都有自己的剧本,一切井井有条。过去我们一天工作16小时,不过即使如此也没有人抱怨。在现场只有剧本才是重要的,毕竟巧妇难为无米之炊。所以,这里一切都很好”。 我们观察现场,似乎在现场的每个人,所有的演员和工作人员,都有同样的一个信念。出演验尸官Donald "Ducky" Mallard的David McCallum说到:“这一季的NCIS会是全新的。由于管理层的变动,整个工作团队被注入新的活力,大家的工作劲头也会更上一层搂”。 管理层的变动,David指的就是闹的沸沸扬扬的“NCIS之父”Don Bellisario离职一事,正是Don的努力才让NCIS走过整整四季的风风雨雨。今年四月,《电视指南》(TV Guide)报道说Bellisario对细节的苛求和对剧本发放的疏忽让剧组拍摄的进程一再受阻,这也使一向温和的哈蒙难以忍受。几周之后,就有报道声称Bellisario决定离开NCIS,毕竟他手头还有像Magnum, P.I. and Quantum Leap这样的荧屏经典。于是合作制片人Chas Floyd Johnson和前任剧本作者Shane Brennan(现在也使合作制片人之一)接手成为NCIS剧组新的管理层。“这一季一切都进行得十分顺利”。