蛇鹤八步是由武林八大门派掌门们共同研究所得出的拳法,拥有着极高的威力,是武林中人都想要得到的宝物。然而,不幸接连发生,八大掌门统统命丧黄泉,蛇鹤八步也因此失传,成为了江湖上的传说。 徐英风(成龙 饰)是一位神秘的侠客,某日,他带着蛇鹤八步的拳谱重现江湖,掀起了重重涟漪,亦引爆了一场腥风血雨。一些人想要夺得拳谱成为武林的霸主,一些人想领略蛇鹤八步的风采,一些人以为徐英风正是当年凶案的罪魁祸首,一时间,徐英风成为了江湖上人人得而诛之的存在。不过,徐英风并不把这些想取他性命的人放在眼里,他的目的只有一个,那就是找到凶手,为掌门们报仇。 刃牙原始人篇漫画37话One of the most influential horror films of all time, Mario Bava's A BAY OF BLOOD (aka TWITCH OF THE DEATH NERVE) is the spurting artery from which all future slasher films would flow. When crippled Countess Federica is murdered at her isolated mansion, a gruesome battle ensues to secure the rights to her valuable property around the bay. Everyone, from illegitimate children to shady real estate agents, stakes a claim, only to be killed in increasingly bizarre ways, from simple shootings to impalement by fishing spear. The makeup effects are by Carlo Rambaldi (who would later earn Oscars for his work on ALIEN). Initially scorned upon its original release because of its graphic violence, A BAY OF BLOOD eventually became a trendsetter, the model slasher film that FRIDAY THE 13TH would emulate nearly a decade later.