The adventurous Lady Edwina Esketh travels to the princely state of Ranchipur in India with her husband, Lord Albert Esketh, who is there to purchase some of the Maharajah's horses. She's surprised to meet an old friend, Tom Ransome who came to Ranchipur seven years before to paint the Maharajah's portrait and just stayed on. Ransome has developed something of a reputation - for womanizing and drinking too much - but that's OK with Edwina who is bored and looking for fun. She soon meets the local doctor, the hard working and serious Major Rama Safti. He doesn't immediately respond to her advances but when the seasonal rains come, disaster strikes when a dam fails, flooding much of the countryside. Disease soon sets in and everyone, including Ransome and Edwina, work at a non-stop pace to save as many as possible. Safti deeply admires Edwina's sacrifice but fate intervenes. 全美超模大赛第一季免费观看全集高清J(赫里尼克•罗斯汉 Hrithik Roshan 饰)做梦都想过上有钱人的生活,然而命运总是跟他开玩笑。在拉斯维加斯打拼的他在最潦倒的时候,甚至会和那些想拿到美国绿卡的女人假结婚,赚取一定的佣金。但是他却差点儿错过主动投怀送抱的富家千金GINA(康格娜•拉瑙特 Kangana Ranaut 饰)。GINA的父亲BOB是拉斯维加斯最大赌场的老板,JAY得知后,最终凭借自己出色的舞技赢得了BOB一家的赏识。本来自此便可以飞黄腾达的他,在BOB家意外遇到与他假结婚的LINDA(芭芭拉•默瑞 Bárbara Mori 饰),此时,LINDA已经准备嫁给GINA的哥哥TONY了。在相处中,J和LINDA暗中互生情愫,并最终打伤TONY私奔。然而,TONY并没有打算轻易放过他们,不仅诬陷他们丢走了赌场巨额钱财,而且动用了所有力量对他们进行围剿……