类型:其它 恐怖 科幻 地区:其它 年份:2019
主演:杰姆斯·班尼特 阿德尔·卡拉姆 Milton Welsh Colleen Camp
更新:2024-12-20 02:24:41
简介:UCL□ c□ll□ge stu□□nt Jo□athan Moo□e (Anthony Ed□a□ds) is □□aying a gam□□called □quot;Got□ha&qu□t; □pop□lar on mid-1980□ college□cam□us□s a□ &□uot;Assassin□q□o□; □r□"Ta□□quot;□, wherein the □laye□s are a□□ assigned a mo□k &quo□;hit□□uot;□on another player by use □f □ h□rmless pa□ntball gun.□M□ore a□d□his apartmen□ room□ate Manolo□go on a v□cation to Paris, □ra□ce. After touring som□ of Paris, in a□cafe □oor□ m□□ts S□sha Banicek (Lind□ Fiorentino), a □zechoslovakian□gir□. E□e□tually, □onathan h□s in□ercourse wit□ Sa□□□, losi□g h□s virginity. Jonath□n□decides to leave Manolo (who is headi□□ to□S□ai□) and go with Sas□a to West Berlin to□spend more time wi□h he□. □onath□n□believes that□□e i□ in□love with Sash□□□Ther□, Jona□han and Sas□a con□inue to□have sex□a□d□eve□ □o to an Ok□o□□rf□st □ee□ gather□ng.□□□□ nigh□, Sasha te□ls J□nathan □hat she□has to go□to □ast Be□□in□to pick up□a pa□kage. □n□ □ight after a□riving □n East Berlin, Sash□ leav□s their □ot□□ room and walks to dark st□eet corner. The□e, Sasha m□ets a German m□n who tel□s □er t□e location□□f the □ic□□□□of □□r□pa□ka□e. □eanwhile,□Sas□a was being m□n□tored□by a Soviet agent, who wa□ sitting□□□ a car a□ a di□tance. During th□ day□ Sasha□t□lls Jo□athan that if she gi□□s □□m a c□□t□□n message□ it □eans that he ha□ to leave□East Berli□□immediatel□.□At a cafe, Sasha gives□Jo□a□han a □□c□age and says t□at □ st□u□el is□insid□. A littl□□l□ter, □asha tells Jonathan □o meet her at the butcher s□op ne□r□t□e□r hotel. □ll of □□su□den, a S□viet age□t b□gi□s to □hase aft□r S□sha. Sasha decides t□ u□e Jonat□an □who is holding her p□□kage□ to u□kn□□ing□y get t□e □ackage□over to□We□□□Berl□n□ Meanwhile, Sas□a □s ta□en by th□ S□vie□□agent and East □er□an □ecr□□ p□l□c□. Jo□□than g□es to Checkpoi□t Charlie □o □ross t□□ heavily □ortifie□ border□into□West Berlin. At t□e □ast□G□rma□ customs search, Jonathan is s□rip□□□ □f□his □lot□□s and g□ve□□a cav□ty □earch. Mean□hile, □a□h□ □□ □tripp□d and □earched for possi□le □□pion□ge evide□ce□ V□ad arriv□s at□□he bo□der cr□s□ing□to□sear□h for Jona□han, however□□onatha□ pa□ses the border □afely b□fore h□ c□n □e capt□red. □nce in West B□rl□n, Jo□at□an fe□ls l□berated b□ the Westernized s□ciety. In th□□□ot□□□ □ona□han□□eceives a message□□r□m□Sash□□t□ meet h□m at □ s□□cified □oc□tion.□Jo□athan f□nds □ut that □is hote□ r□om□w□s b□oken□i□to □n□ robbed of □is traveler's checks□ Soviet agents e□ent□al□y find □o□atha□ □n West Berlin and chase him □h□oug□out a□publ□c □ark. J□nathan□□u□ps into a wate□□canal □nd manages t□ escape from the So□iets and stumble□ upo□ a German□ro□k group headed for□□amburg□ □ho o□fer him a ride to the a□rpo□t. □The □ock□□roup succ□ssfully□get Jon□than to the a□rpo□□ (us□ng ful□-face□m□keu□ □□ sne□k him pa□t a checkpoint)□and Jonathan fin□l□y arri□es in □os Angel□s□To□□Brad□ey Intern□tional Airport □□d□to h□s a□artment□ Soon□ Vlad and a band □f Soviet □g□nts arriv□ t□o in L□s□Angeles.□O□ce home, Jonathan stumbles u□on a film canister, □h□ch was plan□□□□by Sasha. Jonathan v□sits hi□ p□□e□ts□a□d tel□s□them what happe□ed in Germany but they □annot □elieve a word of it □□d □h□nk□Jonath□n is on dru□s. Jona□han decid□s □o ca□□ th□ FBI t□en the Cent□al Intelligence□Agency fo□ help. Jonat□an returns to find his □partm□n□ broken in□o a□□ looted. The □IA off□□er□tells Jonatha□□to g□ve them the photo□film c□nister. At the Los Angele□ h□□dqua□ter□□□f th□ CIA, Jonathan spots Sasha □ho l□ok□□□i□□ she was working t□ere. Jonat□a□□□□□nt□a□ly □e□ts □p with □asha. S□sha admits t□at she□is Chery□ Br□wster,□a CIA agent,□□rigi□a□ly□fro□ Pit□sburgh. Out o□ n□where, Vlad and□hi□ gang beg□□ □o chas□ Jonatha□ and C□eryl on t□e UCLA campus. Jonathan elim□nates□all the So□iets wi□h a tranquil□zer g□□ wh□ch □e g□ts from the□campus□veterinary □cie□ce□ □uil□□ng.□The Soviets ar□ arrested, t□□ CIA agents □ha□k Jo□a□han□for his (in□irect) hel□ in □btaining the fi□□, and Sa□ha tells□him she wants to□con□inue their relationship. (🏺)After the□ part, Jonatha□ □alks t□ a □rett□ student who rebuffs him□□oldly□ As she walks away, he □ims the□tr□n□ui□iz□□ □□□tol and shoo□s he□□□n the rear.□ 托育□求呈多样化趋势不一□很满足您的□求哈,但我尽可能□荐与您需求描述(🍀)最□相□的(✴)小说:《夜神泣:□下□□》这本书是由□者纤纤(□)□烟写的一本仙侠奇缘-古典仙侠类小说,这本小说的大致□节(🥎□介□是:□□,很快□被易辰给否决了□□□于等级......