Marple finds herself on a bit of a holiday and staying at the very posh Bertram's Hotel, where she stayed as a child and for which she has very fond memories. Things take a sinister turn when a hotel maid, Tilly Rice, is found strangled on the roof. Miss Marple can't help but investigate but is assisted by Jane Cooper, also a hotel maid, who is in fact a younger version of Miss Marple. When an attempt is made on the life of a hotel guest, Elvira Blake the two Janes work together to find the motive and the identity of the killer. 鞠婧祎版白娘子怎么看不了本片讲述了华裔导演刘毅(Louis Hothothot)旅欧多年后的回乡故事,通过个人的故事,展现了中国从1979年起实施的独生子女政策对一个家庭产生毁灭性影响。导演刘毅1986年生于中国。父亲因为有了“黑户”老二,被罚三年工资,事业也受到沉重打击。 自己的出生使家人遭受如此痛苦,刘毅心生无限愧疚。20岁多时,他移居阿姆斯特丹。在欧洲生活多年之后,他终于可以面对与家人无法解开的心结。回家,开启了一段重访真相、重归于好的旅程。然而,隐秘的创伤被揭开,带来了新的撕裂;家庭的矛盾也再一次一触即发。 导演的镜头时而令人紧张不安,他迫使家人们面对昔日创伤,探究尖锐问题,将他们从不安的过去中拽离。这过程虽痛苦,但必须完成,因为“若记忆一直冻结在过去,又有什么能使痛苦消融?” IDFA官方称这部作品是一部充满惊奇、微妙的精神之旅。