一是,特区依据基本法维护和落实中央全面管治权。比如,根据基本法的规定,由中央行使国家的主权,特区作为国家的一个地方,没有“自决权”。二〇一四年澳门有团体发起所谓的“公投”活动,公然挑战国家主权,特区落实基本法的规定,依法予以禁止。根据基本法的规定,中央对特区政治体制发展拥有主导权和决定权。二〇一二年全国人大常委会作出决定,修改基本法附件一行政长官的产生办法和附件二立法会的产生办法,特区政府根据全国人大常委会决定完成本地选举法律的修改工作并报全国人大常委会批准和备案,维护中央管治权的权威。奔跑吧兄弟2O23A heroic fantasy about an artist’s destiny at the tumultuous time of social transformations. One of director Alexander Mitta’s best films. The south of Russia, 1920. In a town square, a mono-performance is on, based on Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar”. The film’s hero who took the pseudonym “Revarm”, which stands for “Revolutionary Art for the Masses”, is seriously interested in theatre. The real life and the stage one are intertwined in his destiny. In a provincial town where the power continuously changes hands, going from the Reds to the Whites, from the Whites to a band of the Greens, this youthful stage reformer, endowed with the gift of persuasion, attracts people to his cause, leaving no one indifferent.