Bank, the heir of a millionaire, is being chased by someone who wants to kill him. He was seriously injured, so he hid at the Norah group. Baifern, the daughter of the leader, takes care of him and soon they develop feelings for each other, while he investigates who tried to kill him. Bank decides to go back to Bangkok. He promised Baifern that he will come back to her as soon as he's done, but something happens that parts them away. 含道具上跑步机PLAY在线观看 做法:春笋切成片后加少许盐捞出后用清水浸泡,生姜切片,葱切成段。锅烧热,倒入2勺油,放入生姜、春笋、牛肉片、葱段翻炒1分钟左右。再加入生抽、老抽、蚝油翻炒均匀,加入少量清水半掩住春笋,盖上锅盖大火煮开后转中火。煮到水快熬干的时候加入盐,翻炒均匀稍收汁时盖上锅盖焖。