鍦板潃:涓婃捣甯傛郸涓滄柊鍖哄懆绁濆叕璺?5鍙?2鍙?妤?銆?鎺ㄨ崘鍘熷洜:涓婃捣娴︿笢鏂板尯鐞呭瑳KTV鏄笉鍙寰楃殑楂樼濞变箰鍦烘墍浠ョ粏鑷寸殑鏈嶅姟鎬佸害鍜屼笓涓氱殑宸ヤ綔浣滈涓哄熀鏈悊蹇?鐫€鎵嬫墦閫犻珮墨骗小说TXT下载Based on a true story. Two fighters of 'Donbas' Volunteer Battalion get locked inside city of Ilovaysk after regular Russian army enters Ukraine and shells the surrounded divisions of Ukrainian Army in qigou.cc the infamous would-be 'green corridor'. The fighters survive thanks to the help of the locals and manage to break out through the front line to reach the freed territory. Taras Kostanchuk who is playing himself as 'Beshoot' is that same Donbas commander who is the prototype of the story. Half of the actors and extras are real 'Donbas' volunteers who survived the battle.