Zhua Zhou is a Chinese ritual in which a child has to choose one from many objects in front of them. The child’s choice is supposed to predict his or her future. The protagonist performs Zhua Zhou and in the course of his life he gives up his choices for the will of his parents. When he becomes a father himself, he treats his child strangely.
在危机四伏的投资界,掌管史崔顿·奥克蒙公司的乔丹·贝尔福特(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio 饰)生活侈靡、实力雄厚。1987年,22岁的乔丹进入罗斯柴尔德公司,从接线员做起,在高级经纪人马克(马修·麦康纳 Matthew McConaughey 饰)指点下,进入了股票经纪人充满毒品和欲望的世界,半年后因“黑色星期一”,乔丹转投靠贩卖“便士股票”的小公司,凭借巧舌如簧获得成功,与邻居唐尼(乔纳·希尔 Jonah Hill 饰)和一班朋友另立门户,游走在灰色地带获利颇丰,获称“华尔街之狼”,然而,FBI已经开始留意他…… 本片根据前华尔街股票经纪人乔丹·贝尔福特的个人自传《华尔街之狼》改编。