现实生活中,艾丽莎(凯伦·吉兰 Karen Gillan 饰)沉默寡言默默无闻,没有人能够想到,这样一个不起眼又不讨人喜欢的女孩,居然是虚拟世界中粉丝高达数十万的网络红人,个中原因要归结到一段在网络上走红的病毒视频上,不过,这对于艾丽莎来说并不是什么好事。 某一日,艾丽莎突然发现,即便拥有着成千上万的“粉丝”,在现实世界中,她仍然还是孤身一人,于是,艾丽莎找到了她及其善于市场营销的同事亨瑞(约翰·赵 John Cho 饰),拜托他帮自己在现实生活中“重塑形象”。亨瑞和艾丽莎遇见的所有男人都不一样,在他的帮助下,艾丽莎能够顺利脱离“互联网”,重返“人类社会”吗?
本·墨菲(约翰·克劳辛斯基 John Krasinski 饰)和莎蒂·琼斯(曼蒂·穆尔 Mandy Moore 饰)是一对彼此深爱对方的情侣,他们的爱情充满浪漫和温馨,顺理成章两人也即将走入婚礼殿堂。莎蒂希望在与她的家族渊源颇深的圣•奥古斯汀教堂举行婚礼,但是这恐怕是一个糟糕的决定。这间教堂的弗兰克牧师(罗宾·威廉姆斯 Robin Williams 饰)看似和蔼可亲,却是个极为苛刻和奇怪的家伙。他对年轻男女贸然进入婚姻又选择逃避感到痛心疾首,因此弗兰克坚持任何一对来他的教堂举行婚礼的情侣都要接受婚前准备课程。未能通过该课程的情侣,弗兰克将有权取消婚礼。 看似只是例行的公事,却发现实行起来障碍重重。感情一向顺风顺水的本和莎蒂,将迎来走入教堂前的最大挑战…… 移魂都市 豆瓣电影Rebecca Miller’s film is a portrait of her father, his times and insights, built around impromptu interviews shot over many years in the family home. This celebration of the great American playwright is quite different from what the public has ever seen. It is a close consideration of a singular life shadowed by the tragedies of the Red Scare and the death of Marilyn Monroe; a bracing look at success and failure in the public eye; an honest accounting of human frailty; a tribute to one artist by another. Arthur Miller: Writer invites you to see how one of America’s sharpest social commentators formed his ideologies, how his life reflected his work, and, even in some small part, shaped the culture of our country in the twentieth century. An HBO Documentary Film.