

类型:爱情 战争 动作 加拿大 2021 

主演:Zorka Manojlovic 西蒙·韦斯特 Patrick Murney Christine Ghawi 

导演:Erik Bernard 


2□□《...<□p□□p>李□睿最后□□了自杀。她□二皇子(🚸)等人密□□🐟)刺杀皇帝并□反,但最终(□□失败了,被逼上□绝路。她不想等待□帝处置自己,所以选□了自杀。李云(🕎)睿是庆余年中的□个□杂而引人□📏□注目的角色,她展现了疯狂(🤲)和□化的一(💁)面,对庆帝...□/p>1960年捷克卡□维发利国际电影节最佳导演水□球□。  O□iginall□ titled Seryozh□□ the Russia□□A Sum□er to □ememb□r was c□-ada□ted □□ Vera □□nova from □er own short stor□. War□and Pe□ce director□Sergei B□ndarchuk plays the new□stepfathe□ o□□young□Seryozha (Borya □ar□hat□v). So close do □he stepfat□er□a□d th□ boy□□eco□e in t□e m□n□h□ following □□e□r □eeting tha□, when □i□e □omes for the b□y t□ mov□ on in □ife, he □efu□es to le□ve his new da□&□39;s□□ide. Th□ir summer idyll t□kes place on a Soviet □ollective □ar□, managed by□Bondar□huk and □ep□cted□by novice fi□mmaker□□Georgiy Danel□ya and Igor Talankin □n t□e mo□t glowin□□□nd□□poli□i□al of□terms.□T□ough t□□re isn'□□m□□□□to th□ □lot, the □ilm admirably succ□eds as a□s□rt of cinematic tone poe□.  Fr□m□Al□ Movie Gu□□e: Russian f□lmmake□□Geo□gi Daneliy□ rank□□a□on□ his c□un□□y's most p□pu□ar d□□ec□ors of sa□iri□□l comedies. T□e Georgia-born Dane□iya com□s□fro□ □ d□stingu□she□ □amily□□f film□p□rformers; his gr□ndmot□er, Verik□ Andzha□a□□dz□, was a fame□ □eo□gian s□lent fil□ □ctre□s, his □ous□n, So□iko Chiaureli, □s a□so a majo□ actress, a□□ his mothe□, Meri Andzh□p□r□□□e□ sp□nt more □han a deca□e at Mos□ilm□Stu□io□. □owever, □e first □□ose t□ train□as an□architec□ (perhaps □u□ of r□spect □or his □athe□, an □ngineer). Fo□lo□ing h□s gradu□tion in 19□5, Daneliya□worked□only br□efly□in that field when h□ □e□i□ed he□;d rather□b□□□n□films,□enrolling in Mosfilm Studios'□Directors&□3□; Course□ in 1958. In 19□0, D□neliya co-dir□cted□S□ryozha/A S□mmer t□□Rem□mber□with Igor □□la□kin. Tw□ y□ars late□, he made□his□so□o□directorial □ebut, Pu□ K P□i□□alu/T□e□Way to the Wharf (196□). His □969 c□□ed□ Ne Goryuy!□Don't Wo□r□! □uc□essfully blen□ed hu□or and melanch□ly, a de□ice □hat would□become D□nel□ya's tr□dema□k. In□additio□ □o di□ect□□g, Daneliya □o-a□thors the scripts □or h□□ films and occ□s□onally works on sc□eenplay□ for oth□r directors. □ane□iya h□s□wo□ numerou□ national□□nd int□rnational□awar□s for his work. I□ 1964□ his Y□ Shagayu po Mosk□e/I Walk Around Mos□□w received an honorable mention□a□□□□e Cann□□□Film F□s□□□al,□□hile in□19□5 A□ony□ re□e□v□□□a s□ecial award at the All □nion Festival, a major U.S.S.R. ev□nt. Danel□□a's b□ggest□□it in t□e U□S.S.R., Mimin□□□□977), earned □he spec□al prize at the Moscow Int□rnation□l□Film □e□tival □n□ the U.□.S.R.□State Prize. I□ 1□91, Daneliya □arned □he Nika Awar□ (the □us□ian eq□i□alent□to an □scar) for□Be□t Scree□play□fo□ Pasp□□t (1990). ...详情



2□□《...<□p□□p>李□睿最后□□了自杀。她□二皇子(🚸)等人密□□🐟)刺杀皇帝并□反,但最终(□□失败了,被逼上□绝路。她不想等待□帝处置自己,所以选□了自杀。李云(🕎)睿是庆余年中的□个□杂而引人□📏□注目的角色,她展现了疯狂(🤲)和□化的一(💁)面,对庆帝...□/p>1960年捷克卡□维发利国际电影节最佳导演水□球□。  O□iginall□ titled Seryozh□□ the Russia□□A Sum□er to □ememb□r was c□-ada□ted □□ Vera □□nova from □er own short stor□. War□and Pe□ce director□Sergei B□ndarchuk plays the new□stepfathe□ o□□young□Seryozha (Borya □ar□hat□v). So close do □he stepfat□er□a□d th□ boy□□eco□e in t□e m□n□h□ following □□e□r □eeting tha□, when □i□e □omes for the b□y t□ mov□ on in □ife, he □efu□es to le□ve his new da□&□39;s□□ide. Th□ir summer idyll t□kes place on a Soviet □ollective □ar□, managed by□Bondar□huk and □ep□cted□by novice fi□mmaker□□Georgiy Danel□ya and Igor Talankin □n t□e mo□t glowin□□□nd□□poli□i□al of□terms.□T□ough t□□re isn'□□m□□□□to th□ □lot, the □ilm admirably succ□eds as a□s□rt of cinematic tone poe□.  Fr□m□Al□ Movie Gu□□e: Russian f□lmmake□□Geo□gi Daneliy□ rank□□a□on□ his c□un□□y's most p□pu□ar d□□ec□ors of sa□iri□□l comedies. T□e Georgia-born Dane□iya com□s□fro□ □ d□stingu□she□ □amily□□f film□p□rformers; his gr□ndmot□er, Verik□ Andzha□a□□dz□, was a fame□ □eo□gian s□lent fil□ □ctre□s, his □ous□n, So□iko Chiaureli, □s a□so a majo□ actress, a□□ his mothe□, Meri Andzh□p□r□□□e□ sp□nt more □han a deca□e at Mos□ilm□Stu□io□. □owever, □e first □□ose t□ train□as an□architec□ (perhaps □u□ of r□spect □or his □athe□, an □ngineer). Fo□lo□ing h□s gradu□tion in 19□5, Daneliya□worked□only br□efly□in that field when h□ □e□i□ed he□;d rather□b□□□n□films,□enrolling in Mosfilm Studios'□Directors&□3□; Course□ in 1958. In 19□0, D□neliya co-dir□cted□S□ryozha/A S□mmer t□□Rem□mber□with Igor □□la□kin. Tw□ y□ars late□, he made□his□so□o□directorial □ebut, Pu□ K P□i□□alu/T□e□Way to the Wharf (196□). His □969 c□□ed□ Ne Goryuy!□Don't Wo□r□! □uc□essfully blen□ed hu□or and melanch□ly, a de□ice □hat would□become D□nel□ya's tr□dema□k. In□additio□ □o di□ect□□g, Daneliya □o-a□thors the scripts □or h□□ films and occ□s□onally works on sc□eenplay□ for oth□r directors. □ane□iya h□s□wo□ numerou□ national□□nd int□rnational□awar□s for his work. I□ 1964□ his Y□ Shagayu po Mosk□e/I Walk Around Mos□□w received an honorable mention□a□□□□e Cann□□□Film F□s□□□al,□□hile in□19□5 A□ony□ re□e□v□□□a s□ecial award at the All □nion Festival, a major U.S.S.R. ev□nt. Danel□□a's b□ggest□□it in t□e U□S.S.R., Mimin□□□□977), earned □he spec□al prize at the Moscow Int□rnation□l□Film □e□tival □n□ the U.□.S.R.□State Prize. I□ 1□91, Daneliya □arned □he Nika Awar□ (the □us□ian eq□i□alent□to an □scar) for□Be□t Scree□play□fo□ Pasp□□t (1990).

  • 阿扎泽雅各布斯:193.928.842.873
  • 茄子汤面:159.640.916.404
  • 宁尤:155.660.411.451
  • 小桥静水:175.984.235.639




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