影片讲述了一个年轻寡妇的故事。她不幸遭遇了七个强盗,他们不仅偷走了她家的牲畜,还强奸了她。《抢劫》《旅途》《忏悔》《出生》。遭到歹徒侵犯的玛琳娜出于自卫,杀掉他们中的几人。为了寻找正义,她踏上了捍卫权利、完成救赎的旅途。路途遥远,玛琳娜时常回想起自己杀死的人,那伙歹徒中活着的两人也开始伺机报复……逃出地狱门视频Seventy years ago this month the bombing of Hiroshima showed the appalling destructive power of the atomic bomb. Mark Cousins’ bold new documentary looks at death in the atomic age, but life too. Using only archive film and a new musical score by the band Mogwai, Atomic shows us an impressionistic kaleidoscope of our nuclear times: protest marches, Cold War sabre rattling, Chernobyl and Fukishima, but also the sublime beauty of the atomic world, and how X Rays and MRI scans have improved human lives. The nuclear age has been a nightmare, but dreamlike too.