A comedy trivia quiz based around pop music, originally hosted by Mark Lamarr up to October 2006, currently hosted by Simon Amstell. Te am captains Phil Jupitus and Bill Bailey (who replaced Sean Hughes in May 2002) are joined each week by different music stars. Popular rounds include one where team members have to identify song intros hummed to them and another where a bygone music star has to be picked out of a line-up of lookalikes. • Season 7 Episode # Air Date# Guests 7-01 15/Sep/00 Roisin Murphy, Danny McNamara, John Entwistle, Johnny Vegas 7-02 22/Sep/00 Daphne & Celeste, Par Wiksten, Graham Gouldman, Stuart Maconie 7-03 29/Sep/00 Gary Stringer, Mark Morris, June Sarpong, Bradley Walsh 7-04 06/Oct/00 Melanie B, Jo Brand, Sally James, Josh Doyle 7-05 13/Oct/00 Kirsty MacColl, Bob Mortimer, Joe Washbourn, Jamelia 7-06 20/Oct/00 Josie D'Arby, Pete Shelley, Richie Neville, Mark Steel 7-07 27/Oct/00 Melanie C, Paul Young, Sean Lock, Dermot O'Leary 7-08 10/Nov/00 Alvin Stardust, Trevor Nelson, Lloyd Cole, Liz McClarnon 7-09 03/Nov/00 Kate Thornton, David Soul, Dane Bowers, Dave Gorman 7-10 28/Dec/00 Christmas Special 古巨基的老婆多少岁生子的他是一个流浪汉(查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin 饰),身无分文,遇上了双目失明的卖花女,却不忍袖手旁观。他想尽办法去凑够费用,供卖花女治病。一天,他搭救了一个富翁,富翁当晚和他称兄道弟,第二天却翻脸不认人。本来打算向他求助的主意行不通了。流浪汉去参加拳击比 赛,以图获得奖金,却输得一败涂地。谁知这时重遇富翁,二人不计前嫌,富翁答应出钱资助卖花女。在交给流浪汉1000元后,富翁遭到偷袭,身上剩下的钱被强盗抢走。流浪汉奋不顾身去追赶,却因为误会被警察押回警局坐牢。另一方面,卖花女凭借流浪汉的资助重获光明,开了一家体面的花店。