A strong plot and mutual physical attraction binds the sensual Enzo since adolescence and her cousin Agata: the two are happy with amusement tricks erotic equivocally poised between innocence and malice instinctive. In the years after Enzo neglects the university where it is written and prefers the abundant pleasures of the "Sicilian beef. Agata instead, circumventing the court of his cousin, the Baron prefers the flaccid Ninì from whose desires marriage license, money and comfort. Achieved this goal, the crafty and malicious woman reconciles with Enzo and it is given ... 情事缉私档案国语版第但是,现在佣兵团内,个个都心惊胆战,哪里能够做到边战边退,没有一哄而散就已经很不错了,只有几位经验丰富的老佣兵们懂得牵制一下。